Why Young Adults Need Mentors - Profits Prophet

Why Young Adults Need Mentors

As I’ve stated many times, I love working with young adults who are just starting out their careers and independent lives. This is such an exciting time in a person’s life and I enjoy providing guidance to those who are in this stage. One of the things I’ve noticed while working with this group of individuals is how often they get peer pressured to do things like buy houses or settle on careers they hate by their friends and family members. While this is usually done out of a desire to help, it can have some unintended negative consequences later on as the young adults find themselves crippled with debt or stuck in a job that doesn’t ignite their passions.

One of the best ways to get out of this trap is for young adults to develop a variety of mentors who they can learn from about avoiding common mistakes, developing careers and relationships they can be proud of, and living their best life. Here are the types of mentors I suggest young adults work with and how they can help.

Personal Mentors

Some young adults are lucky and have great parents who impart a number of valuable lessons throughout their childhood on everything from how to nurture a relationship to handling their emotions and more. However, many others never get these lessons and need to reach out to others to learn and grow. Personal mentors can be family friends, relatives, or even counselors or coaches. They can help young adults navigate this often difficult time of transition with flexibility and resilience.

Professional Mentors

The career young adults choose has a huge impact on their quality of life. Whether they are still looking for the right fit or they want to learn how to excel at their current career, having a professional mentor can be invaluable. They can look for professional mentors in the form of career counselors, older successful individuals in their industry, or business coaches.

Financial Mentors

Although some schools are getting better about it, many young adults get out into the “real world” without a solid education on finances. I’m always surprised at how little many young people know about debt, investing, and monitoring their finances. Developing a relationship with a financial mentor early on is one of the smartest decisions a young adult can make. They can find a financial mentor by working with a fiduciary who focuses not just on helping them make smart investment decisions, but also acts as a counselor to help put them on the right financial path.

Finding a Mentor

In many cases, finding a mentor is as easy as asking around. Young adults are often surprised at how willing older individuals are to impart their knowledge and help them along successful paths. They can inquire at the company they work at, ask their friends or co-workers, or independently seek out a financial counselor or business coach. When looking for mentors, they should choose a variety who have different experience, personalities, and expertise to get the most out of their mentor network.

Do you have questions or comments about how young adults can benefit from mentorship? Please leave them below!

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